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(2025-2026 School Year)


Tuition is due on the first of each month unless prior arrangements have been made with the school’s administrator and an alternative payment schedule has been approved. A late fee of $70.00 will be charged if payment is received after the 4th of the month. There will be a $36.00 charge for returned checks. Monarch Montessori School reserves the right to terminate any client contract for non-payment. You will receive our written tuition policy as a part of your enrollment packet. All tuition is non-refundable.


Tuition Payments

  • Tuition is paid on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. 

  • Tuition payments can be made through your Brightwheel account using the ACH or one-time payment option. Fees apply.

  • If you'd like to pay by check, please make checks payable to:  Monarch Montessori School


  • Registration, insurance and drop-in fees are to be paid by check or via your child's Brightwheel account. 



Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $600

Non-Refundable Insurance Fee: $120/year or $12/month


Age 6-8- $1710/Month (Full Day)

Age 6-8- $1330/Month (Half Day)




Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $720



6 Weeks-15 Months-$2070/Month (FULL DAY ONLY)


YOUNG TODDLERS                                  

15 Months-2 Years- $2070/Month (Full Day)       

15 Months-2 Years- $1500/Month (Half Day)



Age 3-5- $1650/Month (Full Day)

Age 3-5- $1210/Month (Half Day)


Drop-In: $110/day (For children ages 14 months and up)



After Care- $150/month, 5 days/week between 2pm and 5:30pm for unenrolled students ages 6-12

Summer Camp- $150 extra per month for enrolled students and $300/week for unenrolled students ages 3-12

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